Sunday, April 7, 2013

GWH News and Notes: Ohio Valley Wrestling TV Recap Episode 711

From Jimmie Daniel:

This is the recap for Ohio Valley Wrestling TV Episode 711 to air in Louisville 4/6 on WBNA-21 the ION affiliate and will air at noon ET. As always the show can also be seen at Later on 4/6 is the next Saturday Night Special at the Davis Arena. OUR OVW Announce Team this week is Dean "San Juan" Hill", "Anchorman" Gilbert Corsey and "Rocky Mountain Mouth" Michael Titus. Terry Boddie is back as OUR OVW Ring Announcer.

Show begins with a car pulling up in the parking lot and Jamin Olivencia stepping out only to have to dodge a swerving truck.

OUR OVW Director of Operations Michael (not PS) Hayes is in the ring and welcomes the new viewers watching over WBNA and thanking the fans for supporting OVW so they could get to this level. There is a new OVW banner in the background at ringside. Here comes the Spanish Moss Guy crawling through the curtain followed by The Coalition ("The Washington Generals" Crimson & Jason Wayne, "Squad Alpha" Jack Black & Joe Coleman, "Squad Alpha" Shiloh Jonze & Raul Lamotta, and of course the Spanish Moss Guy). Crimson is not interested in hearing Hayes' propaganda since last week he allegedly threw his Army values out the window when he overturned Crimson's victory against Jamin Olivencia in the number one contender's match. Crimson declares that Hayes has disgraced America and sided with the terrorists! OUR OVW Tag Team Champions "New School Gut Checkers" (Alex Silva & Sam Shaw) hit the ring and chase the Coalition out. Silva says he and Shaw are out here to declare war on the Coalition. Shaw (sporting a mohawk) offers to put up the tag titles in a two out of three falls match RIGHT NOW!! Hayes confirms this with Silva and Shaw then orders the five non-General Coalition members to the back.

Match #1: "The Washington Generals" (Crimson & Jason Wayne) vs OUR OVW Tag Team Champions "New School Gut Checkers" (Alex Silva & Sam Shaw)

The other five pop back through the curtain and attack Silva and Shaw, throwing them into the ringpost and announce table respectively. Hayes then bans the five from the building as Crimson slides the woozy Silva into the ring and covers him for a pin (Generals up 1-0). Silva is still laid on the mat as Shaw is still on the floor. Wayne comes in and does some warm-up exercises, then drops to his knees as he and Crimson put their hands over their hearts and appear to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Wayne does a two-handed over on Silva, who gets a shoulder up at 2! This repeats several times before the Generals get all up in ref Josh Ashcraft's grill about the counting. Silva slowly comes to and small packages Wayne for a pin (tied up 1-1). Shaw finally makes it to the corner and tags in to fire up on the Generals as we go to break.

Back from break, Wayne headlocks Shaw on the mat as a replay box shows Crimson giving Shaw a neckbreaker. Crimson drops an elbow for 2 as Dean compares the Gut Checkers to the Rock-N-Roll Express (although neither has a wrestling mullet). The Generals make a wish with Shaw after Wayne grabs his leg, preventing him from tagging in Silva, who is still down in the corner. The Generals double-backdrop Shaw, who lands on his feet and makes the tag on Silva. Many lariats are thrown by Silva followed by a dropkick, from which he doesn't get back up off the mat. Shaw comes in to keep the Generals at bay but gets tossed out. The limp Silva then receives a spike piledriver from the Generals, followed by Crimson covering Silva for the pin and the titles. Titus applauds as Dean calls for a commercial break. We quickly return to find OVW personnel in the ring with a backboard tending to Silva. Dean tells someone in the control room to run promos or something, thus back to break we go.

Back again, Dean says Silva suffered some head trauma and Shaw is accompanying him to a medical facility. Meanwhile, OUR OVW Champion Doug Williams comes out to remind us that bad things happen to good people and vice versa. Williams also says Olivencia got his buddy Hayes to rewrite the rulebook last week so Olivencia could get a title shot at Saturday Night Special. Williams reminds Jamin that accidents happen and to take care of himself, because he wants Olivencia at 100%.

Match #2: Matt King & Austin Bradley (w/2 other guys in the VIP Club Entourage) vs "Welsh Colossus" Rob Terry

It is noted "VIP" Joe Rosa is absent tonight. Terry throws both guys around like rag dolls then opens up Bradley's shirt and chops him 3 times. Terry kicks Bradley away as he firemans carry slams King for the quick pin.

In the back "Mr. Pec-tacular" Jesse Godderz hides behind a doorway and hits somebody in the back with a chair. He is immediately dismayed to find it's not "Best Rudy Ever" Rudy Switchblade as the camera pulls away to find a pile of wrestlers on the floor. Godderz then goes to the ring and calls out Switchblade in much the same fashion that Switchblade called him out last week (i.e., wants their ongoing match/saga/tiff/squabble to end tonight because one is tired of chasing the other down). Godderz says he is the superior member of "Best Team Ever" since he has a TNA contract and is on national TV, plus he has more talent in one arm than Switchblade has in his whole body. Switchblade and a ref sneak up from behind as Switchblade rolls Godderz up for 2. Godderz hits an enziguri as Dean educates the new viewers by saying Switch blade is a good guy while Godderz is a jerk! They fight over the chair and the ref gets hit with it, which brings Hayes back out. Godderz yells at him to mind his own business but Hayes informs him that when they fought all over the building (and the city) and other wrestlers were caught in the crossfire it became Hayes' business. Elvis Pridemore, Jake Durden, the Baxter brothers, and an unidentified redhead in a white dress come out. Hayes tells Godderz and Switchblade that they are not to touch each other until SNS, and he says other wrestlers will be around the ring to make sure the saga/tiff/squabble ends in the ring (so it's really a lumberjack match, although he didn't call it that).

OUR OVW TV Champion Rockstar Spud is sitting in the back when Cliff Compton comes up and announces that "Batman" has arrived! He then formally introduces himself and says he likes Spud, who is a little guy thus he offers Spud to be his "Robin" (and ride shotgun in the Batmobile!!!). Spud (who has white paint under his eyes) says dynamite is also little like him and Compton has just lit the fuse! Camera pans over to the Mascara Mafia (Paredyse, Brandon "Espy" Espinosa, and Just Chris) in the hallway. Paredyse is all paranoid about encountering Brittany Devore, who the Mafia made over only to dump mustard on her last week. Espy tries to calm Paredyse down but they turn around and Chris has vanished. They scurry off into a room only to have the lights go out and Paredyse finding himself alone. We see Brittany in the corner bathed in red light wanting Paredyse to come play with her but he runs off! Lights come up and we see The Mobile Homers (Adam Revolver & "Man-Beast" Ted McNaler) looking all spooked. McNaler is scared and asks Revolver if he can sleep in Revolver's bed tonight. Paredyse has run out to the ring and is checking to see if Brittany is hiding out there. Paredyse takes the mic and says he's sorry for what he did and that no one is laughing at her! Video of Brittany comes up in the red light. She says she has taken care of Chris and Espy and at SNS she will take Paredyse to the gates of hell and everyone will laugh at him!

Match #3: OUR OVW TV Champion Rockstar Spud vs Cliff "Batman" Compton

Compton still has the retired TV title belt on his person. Titus is upset because Spud still hasn't contacted him to be Spud's accountant. Spud hits a low crossbody on Compton and pounds him then drags him to the apron but Compton kicks him away into the guardrail. Compton rolls Spud back in and beats on him a bit but Spud gets free, dropkicks Compton, and climbs up top. Compton charges and Spud leapfrogs him then goes to the opposite corner and climbs up but Compton shakes the ropes, crotching Spud. Compton gets shoved into the ropes and Spud undercuts him then rolls him up for the pin. Spud tries to leave with the belt but Compton initiates a sore loser attack that leaves Spud laying in front of the announce table.

Taeler Hendrix is with "The King of Pink" Dylan Bostic in the back begging him to accompany her to the ring for her match with OUR OVW Women?s Champion Epiphany, telling Bostic "when I'm happy, we're happy". Olivencia is walking up some stairs when a trash can come rolling down towards him but he knocks it aside and gets really angry. A very angry Spud catches up to Compton in the back and confronts him about his behavior. Hayes steps in as Compton says he doesn't want to mess with "this little punk" but changes his tune when Spud offers another title shot.

Timmy Danger, Eddie Diamond, Bobbie Bardot (dressed like a butterfly), and another lady (similarly dressed) are gathered in search of Epiphany. They find her in the next room and Diamond tells her he knew she really did have feelings for him! Epiphany throws a wet blanket on this by saying that she was not helping Diamond last week in his match but rather going after "VIP" Joe Rosa for ripping up her picture and talking trash about her. Epiphany walks off and Diamond again is distraught.

Match #4: Taeler Hendrix (w/"The King of Pink" Dylan Bostic) vs OUR OVW Women?s Champion Epiphany

Bostic appears to be pouting in the corner as Taeler's signaling to him is ignored. Epiphany slams Taeler and points this out to Bostic. Epiphany holds Taeler over her shoulder for a moment before slamming her to the mat and does a little shimmy. Bostic trips up Epiphany and yanks her out of the ring then the two have a stare down. Diamond runs out to the ring and dives out onto Bostic as Danger distracts the ref. Taeler reaches over the ropes to grab Epiphany but gets snapped. Epiphany suplexes Taeler for the pin then makes her "I just ate a lemon" face at Diamond.

"Smooth" Johnny Spade and James "Moose" Thomas bump into each other in the back and snarl at each other. Spade calls Moose a "big Ox". Jay Bradley appears and says this will make it easier to Boomstick both of the "girls" in their three-way match at SNS. Meanwhile, Olivencia is chatting on his phone while walking into a room as a ladder falls in his vicinity. He gets very angry and storms off.

Olivencia comes out to the ring and says he gets it. He knows Williams is gunning for him but Williams is really running scared so he calls out Williams to the ring. Williams says Olivencia is paranoid and he wants Olivencia 100% for SNS. Olivencia punches Williams in the face and they battle on the mat as the locker room empties to pull them apart. The two go after each other again, but this time Williams lays Olivencia out with the title belt. Olivencia is flat on his back as the show goes off.

THOUGHTS: So after announcing a tag title match between the Gut Checkers and the Generals for SNS, once again they switch the title on the TV show before SNS. This has become a common pattern in the 9 months I've watched OVW. Only 3 matches are announced for SNS, so I guess folks would have to just show up and see what happens. Other than the title switch, it seemed to be just focusing on storylines and introducing new viewers over WBNA to OVW. Anyway, this show was just kind of there to me and the tag title change pushes the thumbs slightly down.


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